Temperos deliciosos sempre prontos – Truque Maria {Pasta de Alho e Cebola}

Ontem fui com as minhas filhas ao Porto Canal ao Olá Maria com a querida Débora Sá apresentar este meu novo projecto que já vos é conhecido. Os Truque Maria têm sido um sucesso e fico mesmo feliz. É algo que me dá imenso prazer.

Desta vez o Truque é como ter temperos prontos no frigorífico para usar em variados pratos, em refogados, temperar carnes e peixes, para arroz, para manteigas aromatizadas ou queijo creme… enfim, uma variedade imensa. Ficam deliciosos e são super fáceis de fazer.



Cabeças de alho
Sal e pimenta a gosto
Azeite q.b.
Pés de alecrim e tomilho a gosto


Pré-aqueça o forno a 230ºC.
Coloque as cabeças de alho e as cebolas descascadas num tabuleiro.
Tempere com o sal e a pimenta e regue com um fio de azeite. 
Polvilhe com as ervas aromáticas e leve ao forno durante 20 minutos.
Retire as cascas dos alhos e triture o alho e a cebola separadamente com uma varinha mágica.
Guarde em frascos hermeticamente fechados no frigorífico até 4 meses.

Não é super simples? 🙂
Tenho também para vos oferecer um freebie para fazerem download das etiquetas que criamos.

Temperos deliciosos sempre prontos – Truque Maria {Pasta de Alho e Cebola} Comentários
  1. Parece super fácil, muito, muito apetitoso e rápido de fazer…! Muito obrigada pela super dica!! Beijinhos!!

  2. Obrigada Maria João. Adorei ver-te com as tuas princesas no Porto Canal.
    Vou experimentar as receitas muito práticas.
    Grande beijinho para todos

  3. How’s it going, mariajoaoclavel?

    OK, I‘ve always wanted to be Instagram-famous, too.

    If you are like me, you’ve rummaged through Instagram, thinking “how do so many darn people get so rich and famous”?

    Picture this: You wake up early in the morning, even before your alarm buzzes.

    Roll over, check your cell.

    Flipping to Instagram.

    Youare surprised at what you see: Over 738 likes on a single one of your pictures! There, you see a a huge amount of likes on your pictures–over 738 on a single photo alone.

    You rise out of the bed, stalk to the kitchen. You want a drink, so you place the kettle on for some tea, and check Instagram again.

    Presto! Another 49 likes.

    And here comes another message. It’s from some follower asking about your life, and giving you daps on your third official month of going to the gym.

    The kettle blows and you pour your tea. When you flip out your phone, there’s another message–this time from a young girl–thanking you for posting. She follows you religiously and you are an inspiration.

    While you sip your tea, you start typing up a response. But then your phone buzzes.

    Oops, another ping. But you can’t hit them back—you’ve got to hit the gym.
    Anyways, you get the point. This is the life of an Instagram celebrity. I should know, because I’ve made many of them.

    I’m here to show you how to take the reigns of your Instagram.

    Now, what if you raised your engagement by 100%, or 1000%?

    It is not difficult to do, although almost no one does. Just hit up our website. There, you’ll learn how to garner Instagram followers and likes like mad…effortlessly.

    In just minutes after posting, you have your images piled with likes.

    The “Top Post” section, all of a sudden, doesn’t seem that far away.

    This is all great, but you’ve actually got to put in the work to make it happen. OK, you got me, it’s not real work.
    1. Visit https://tomm.surf
    2. Enter your Instagram username.
    3. 10 – 15 likes are going to be sent to your 3 most recent pictures. Just like that.

    Being a regular on that page will supercharge your growth 10x, easy. But if you want the fame, you’ve got to reach for it. Are you ready?

    Happy image-uploading.

  4. How’s it going, clavelskitchen?

    Want to be Instagram popular?

    Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be an Instagram Influencer?

    Imagine: it is the wee hours of the morning and you’ve promised yourself you’d hit the gym today.

    You pull out your cell.

    Make your way to Instagram.

    You‘re surprised at what is waiting for you: Over 738 likes on one of your pictures! There, you see a a huge amount of likes on your pictures–over 652 on a single photo alone.

    You rise out of the bed, and head to the kitchen. You want a drink, so you place the kettle on for some coffee, and check Instagram again.

    Presto! Another 20 likes.

    Vrrrrrr—a message pops into your inbox from a follower. They’re asking you for advice on how you manage your food, and are congratulating you on your third month of hitting the gym.

    The kettle blows and you pour your tea. When you flip out your phone, there’s another message–this time from a young girl–thanking you for posting. She follows you religiously and your’e an inspiration.

    As you begin to respond, your phone buzzes again.

    Wow, ANOTHER message. You close your cellphone and throw it in the bag. Time for the gym.
    Let’s stop the simulation there. Most people have a hard time getting what they want in life. People can hardly get themselves to eat a good breakfast.

    My job is to take people from Instagram anonymous to Insta-celebrity. (It sounds stupid, but results do not lie.)

    Now, what if you could raise your popularity by 100%, or 1000%?

    Truth is, it is not the most complicated thing in the world to get more. As an example, all the old pros use our website.

    Automagically see tons of likes on your images just minutes after posting.

    With this you’ve a big chance to be featured in the “Top Post” section.

    And because we love you, we made testing things out as simple as kitchen-cooled apple crumble:
    1. Visit https://picturestorm.press
    2. Put your Instagram username.
    3. The three pictures you uploaded last will get 10 – 15 likes. Just like that.

    Hitting the Top Post page will 10X your Instafame. But you’ve got to do more than just want it–you have got to do something about it. Are you willing?

    Happy image-uploading.

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